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The threat of a strike at Indian ports has been lifted and a Labour deal has finally been approved
In late November, the leadership of India's six main longshore workers' unions issued a threat to halt work from December 17 to secure the Indian government's agreement to raise wages and pensions agreed with port management in September in a deal known locally as the Bipartisan Wage Negotiating Committee (BWNC) settlement.

"We have received an order from the Indian Ports Association (IPA) directing all major port authorities to implement the Bilateral Wage Bargaining Committee (BWNC) settlement, which was signed before the Labour Commissioner on September 27," a union leader said.

The tentative contract agreement came after the National Coordinating Committee of the longshoremen's union in India's six ports threatened strike action as early as August and met in Goa last month to again set an indefinite strike date.

The threat of a general strike at Indian ports has been lifted with the final approval of a new 5-year Labour agreement.

"The competent authorities have approved the implementation of the September 27 BWNC settlement, which was agreed by the management of the major port authorities and the six major port and dock workers' federations in all Major port and dock Labour committees before the Mumbai Region Labour Commissioner," the shipping ministry said in a letter.

"This agreement marks a significant step forward in ensuring fair and equitable treatment for our port workers, who are the backbone of India's maritime sector," the minister noted earlier.
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