Australia's Pilbara port's total throughput rose in November
Australia's Pilbara Port handled 67 million tonnes in November, an increase of 9% compared to November 2023.
Port Hedland handles 49.3 million tonnes a month, of which 48.8 million tonnes of iron ore is exported. This represents an increase of 8% compared to the total monthly throughput in November 2023. Imports through Port Hedland totalled 168,216 tonnes, down 9% compared to November 2023.
The port of Hedland exported 39,961 million tons of iron ore to China in November, an increase that not only shows that the demand for iron ore in the Chinese market is still strong, but may also hint at the recovery of China's downstream steel production industry.
Total throughput at the Port of Dampier was 15.2 million tons, up 3 percent from November 2023. Imports through the Port of Dampier totaled 144,939 tons, up 6 percent from November 2023.