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YANGMING announced the launch of the new China-Thailand Express route CTE
Recently, YANGMING announced the launch of the China-Thailand Express Route (CTE) to strengthen its business in the internal Asian market.

It is understood that Yangming Shipping will launch the China-Thailand Express (CTE) service in early January 2025, providing customers with flexible, reliable and high-quality container transportation solutions.

Sungreen Logistics learned that in order to better meet customer needs, Yangming Shipping currently operates four China-Thailand routes, and the newly opened CTE route is a weekly fixed frequency, with a round-trip voyage of 21 days.

YANGMING announced the launch of the new China-Thailand Express route CTE

The order of call of China-Thailand Express route (CTE) is: Shanghai - Ningbo - Xiamen - Nansha - Linchaban - Shekou - Shanghai.
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