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Home News Center Industry News A container ship was hit by bad weather ...
A container ship was hit by bad weather and several containers fell into the water
On November 4, the Dalian Container Terminal Company received an emergency call, saying that the CMA CGM Mexico line "Zhengli Grace" had encountered bad weather on the way to China, and some containers on board had fallen into the water and some containers on the deck had been damaged. In order to ensure navigation safety, the agent applies for temporary loading at Dalian Port and assists in timely unloading of the damaged container.

A container ship was hit by bad weather and several containers fell into the water

On the morning of November 6, the "Zhengli Grace" ship successfully docked at berth 12 of Dalian Container Terminal, and the large part group boarded the ship for the first time to check the damage to the box.

After the scene investigation confirmed that a total of 12 containers on the deck were damaged, some of the boxes were seriously deformed and damaged, some were dumped in the deck aisle, and some seriously fell and shifted, almost perpendicular to the deck, which made the unloading operation faced with greater difficulty.


After fully understanding the damage, Dalian Container Terminal Company quickly organized a team to conduct detailed analysis and full discussion, and finally formulated a feasible rescue operation service guarantee plan.

After more than two hours of intense work, the operation team overcame unfavorable conditions such as high-altitude work on the deck of up to five floors and narrow aisle space, and successfully unloaded the 12 damaged containers. So far, the raid rescue mission successfully completed.
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