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After 54 years, the first Pakistani cargo ship was unloaded in Bangladesh
On November 13, the first cargo ship in 54 years to sail directly from Pakistan to Bangladesh was successfully unloaded. It marks an effort by the two countries to rebuild ties after decades of frosty relations.

Pakistan's High Commissioner in Dhaka confirmed in a statement that a cargo ship departing from Karachi had arrived in Chittagong, marking the first direct maritime link between the two countries in years. He stressed that the direct route is expected to streamline the supply chain and reduce the time required to transport goods. The ship, which has a capacity of about 2,300 TEU (20-foot standard container units), brings a variety of cargo, reflecting the growing demand for direct trade between the two countries.

First Pakistani cargo ship unloaded in Bangladesh

The Panamanian-flagged container ship YUAN XIANG FA ZHAN set sail from Karachi for Chittagong with cargo from Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates, including raw materials and necessities for Bangladesh's garment industry, AFP reported. The ship is reported to have left port after unloading its cargo on Monday.

Pakistan's High Commissioner to Bangladesh, Saiyd Shomed Maruf, said after the ship docked that the direct route was an important step forward in boosting regional trade and would "open up new opportunities for businesses on both sides." In September, Bangladesh eased import restrictions on Pakistani goods. Previously, Pakistani goods had to undergo mandatory physical checks upon arrival, resulting in long delays for goods.

First Pakistani cargo ship unloaded in Bangladesh after 54 years

The new trade links are being forged against a backdrop of changing regional political dynamics. Relations between Bangladesh and New Delhi have reportedly cooled with the ouster of former leader Sheikh Hasina, and the political uncertainty has created an opportunity for Dhaka to explore other regional partnerships. The re-establishment of direct shipping is seen as a key move to strengthen economic ties between the two countries, which will not only help Pakistan expand its influence in regional markets, but also boost Bangladesh's export-oriented garment industry.
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