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ZIM violations were investigated by the FMC
Israeli shipping company ZIM is facing a summons from the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) on charges of violating the U.S. Shipping Act.

ZIM violations were investigated by the FMC

NVOCC (non-vessel carrier) Baylink claims that in June 2021, an operator named Koyote Trucking picked up a Baylink container from ZIM without authorisation or delivery of an order.

According to the complaint, Bavlink only found out about two months later, after which it learned that the container had not been returned to ZIM in time. The container was not returned until April 2023 and was held for 628 days. ZIM then said it would seek nearly $137,000 from Baylink for failing to recover its costs from Koyote.

Baylink said it "requested ZIM to provide it with the identity of the truck driver who retrieved the container and to provide Baylink with the container bill of lading document" to confirm the identity of the truck driver, and that despite Baylink's request, ZIM "failed and refused" to provide the identity or documentation of the truck driver.

Baylink reiterated that "Baylink has never had any business relationship with Koyote Trucking," claiming that "ZIM wrongly and inappropriately delivered the container to Koyote."

The complaint also alleges that Baylink had no financial incentive to facilitate the return of the containers because ZIM did not inform Baylink.

Simply put, Baylink felt they had no reason to rush to return the container because ZIM had not told them that Baylink would be held liable if the container was detained. Baylink believes that some "untimely" actions by ZIM caused them not to return the container in a timely manner.
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