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A cargo ship sank in the Red Sea, spilling diesel fuel into the surrounding waters
On December 2 local time, Egyptian Environment Minister Yasmin Fouad confirmed that a cargo ship sank in the waters off the coast of Qusayr in the Red Sea Province, and the crew were safely evacuated.

Fouad said in a statement issued on the same day that the crew, with the support of the Egyptian Navy, did their best to refloat the ship, but bad weather and severe damage to the hull eventually caused the boat to sink.

The Egyptian Environment Ministry said in a statement on November 25 that a cargo ship flying less than the Gamoro flag was scheduled to travel from Yemen to the Egyptian port of Tawfik, due to strong winds, high waves and technical faults, the ship lost control and collided with rocks, resulting in a 60-centimeter crack in the hull, and ran aground near the coast of Qusair in the Red Sea province. Seawater flooded the engine compartment and diesel oil leaked into the surrounding waters, posing a threat to the fragile coral ecosystem.

Fouad said the government has launched an investigation into the sinking and deployed a team to monitor the wreck and the surrounding environment. The team is taking measures to prevent the spill from spreading to the coastline.
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