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Officially launched two months in advance, Gemini open all routes booking
On December 3, Maersk and Hapag-Lloyd officially opened reservations for all routes of the Gemini Cooperation Alliance (hereinafter referred to as "Gemini").

Gemenon is open for booking on all routes

Hapag-lloyd confirmed that the "Gemini" alliance will open booking Windows on all routes from December 3, 2024, two months ahead of the alliance's official launch on February 1 next year. Hapag-lloyd CEO Rolf Habben Jansen said the network is fully integrated and said their focus is now on ensuring all vessels are in the right position for 60 days in the hope of minimizing disruption.

In its official press release, Hapag-Lloyd said: "The Gemini alliance is key to our Strategy 2030 and supports our goal of 'undisputed quality first'. Through the Gemini alliance, we are committed to providing you with more than 90 percent on-time performance, enabling widespread connectivity through our innovative Hub & Spoke model, and enhancing sustainability to help you meet your supply chain carbon reduction goals."

The alliance will deploy 59 routes, including 29 trunk routes and 30 shuttle routes. The fleet will consist of about 340 vessels, many of which are ready to run on cleaner fuels, with a total capacity of nearly 3.7 million TEUs.

Habben Jensen said the launch of Gemenon is unlikely to lead to a major shift in the customer base. Change is to be expected, he says, but not disruptive. He added that while the market environment remains uncertain, the Gemini alliance appears to be launched against the backdrop of a market with strong freight momentum.

The network will provide better service offerings to the Adriatic and North China regions, which will allow Hapag-Lloyd's business to grow.

Habben Jensen said that the formal cooperation of the "Gemini" will be launched around the Chinese New Year. "There is usually some blank sailing during this period, which is also normal, but hopefully not much more than normal," he said.
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